12 ballerina shoe lollipops - ballet themed party

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12 ballerina shoe lollipops - ballet themed party

12 ballerina shoe lollipops - ballet themed party

12 ballerina shoe lollipops - ballet themed party

If you missed the tree lighting ceremonies last weekend, you missed two joyous parties. The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department hosted an event at the Community Center on Friday night with the many vendors being winners. Several Elf Market vendors displayed their wares throughout the building. At the 4th annual Rockaway tree lighting on Saturday more than 500 people showed up to dance, sing, be merry and enjoy a lot of entertainment. The Chamber of Commerce and the many businesses that sponsored the event deserve much appreciation.

Sunnyvale Senior Center: The center offers a variety of services and activities, billiards room, fitness center, table games, trips, classes and lunches every weekday, 550 E, Remington Drive, Sunnyvale, 408-730-7360, Sunnyvale.ca.gov, Senior Nutrition Program: Hot meals served along with camaraderie, Must be age 60 or older and a resident of Santa Clara County, Monday-Friday, live dance music at 9:30 a.m., lunch at 11 a.m, First United Methodist Church, 535 Old San Francisco Road, Sunnyvale, 12 ballerina shoe lollipops - ballet themed party Sunnyvaleumc.org/mission/seniornutrition.html..

Details: June 23, 7 p.m. – 10 p.m., Hiram Morgan Hill House at Villa Mira Monte, 17860 Monterey Road, Morgan Hill. Admission is $79 per person. Must be 21 or older. For more information and reservations, visit www.speakeasyparty.com. If you can’t make it to this shindig, visit the historic site with its lovely gardens on another occasion for a docent-led tour or wine tasting the first Saturday of every month. Hours: 1 – 5 p.m. Historic downtown walking tours are also available. For more information, call (408) 779-5755, or visit www.morganhillhistoricalsociety.org.

The servants (Ryan Henry, Maria Mikheyenko, Josselyn O’Neill and Andrew Mondello) add their own humor and ambience to the mix with Lucy Powers (Rose’s daughter Alice) and David Judson (the villa owner Thomas Briggs) rounding out the cast, Grandi, a former Broadway dancer and actress, creates beautiful stage pictures and charming dance numbers on Patrick Brandon’s lovely set enhanced by Michael Oesch’s lighting and Margaret daSilva’s gorgeous flapper-era costumes, While the show is still evolving and the May-December relationship between Rose and Frederick doesn’t seem to fit the characters, this new show certainly has lots to recommend it — beautifully drawn characters, engaging music under the direction of conductor Pat 12 ballerina shoe lollipops - ballet themed party Parr, and a charming storyline..

The exhibit is open 12:20 to 2:30 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays running through Nov. 7 at the gallery, 2700 E. Leland Road. A closing free reception will be 4 to 6 p.m. Nov. 7. Parking is $3. For information, go to www.losmedanos.edu/art/gal.aspx or email Judy Pettite at jpettite@losmedanos.edu. Lynn House ‘Natures Canvas’ continues. ANTIOCH — The Lynn House Gallery presents “Nature’s Canvas,” an exhibit with works depicting nature in the Delta, the hills and valleys in the area, along with East Bay Regional Park properties.

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