Stepping out of reality, Agnes finds herself on an adventure in the world of Dungeons and Dragons, battling everything from homicidal fairies to evil Jell-O molds with the help of Tilly and her friends. Along the way, Agnes finds friendship, heartache and the warrior within herself. —‰’She Kills Monsters’ is especially fun because of all the surprises,” Amy Kelleher said. “From battles to dance numbers, the audience never knows what’s coming next.”.
Saratoga History Museum: Exhibits focusing on local history, Admission and parking are free, Museum is open Friday-Sunday, 1-4 p.m, 20450 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road, 408-867-4311 or, Silicon Valley’s Got Bollywood: Perform your favorite Bollywood songs and dances, First Friday of each month, 7:30-10:30 p.m, Blue Rock Shoot, 14523 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, Check for event updates at or, Saratoga’s Got Talent: An opportunity for all Saratogans to share their talent and have a good time, Live musical performances, dance, karaoke, stand-up comedy and more–just about anything goes, Kids perform the first hour, and adults after, Every month has a different theme, anchored by a Saratoga High School team, Third Friday of each month, 7-10:30 p.m, Blue Rock Shoot, 14523 Big Basin 12 ballet shoes charms, antique silver charms, ballerina shoes charms, ballet shoe charms, craft and jewelry supplies, findings Way, Saratoga, Check for event updates at or subscribe to the email group,,
Cummings said the powwow differs from sacred native events in that it is an open, annual effort to continue and share Native American cultures with the public. While the event focused on celebration, there were acknowledgments of the ongoing controversy surrounding the Washington Redskins of the National Football League, whose nickname has long been regarded by native groups and their supporters as a slur. The event’s emcee, Tom Phillips of the Kiowa tribe, announced the event as a celebration that “breaks the binds of negative stereotypes” and pointed out the NFL team name as an example that should be effaced.
By chance, the “Truth Is Beauty” pose arose during a casual conversation between Cochrane and Monterey native, dancer and singer Deja Solis, who served as the 6-foot-tall model for all three sculptures, “I did a sculpture of her just standing there, and 12 ballet shoes charms, antique silver charms, ballerina shoes charms, ballet shoe charms, craft and jewelry supplies, findings she said, ‘I’m doing this thing, where I’m trying to be short, and I wish I could just be tall,’ so that’s when she did the ‘Truth Is Beauty’ pose, where she’s really reaching up and being herself,” Cochrane recalled..
Postgame Independence Day Celebration: The San Jose Giants compete against Rancho Cucamonga. Fireworks follow the game. July 4, 6:30 p.m. San Jose Municipal Stadium, 588 E. Alma Ave. $10-$30., 408-297-1435. Rose, White and Blue Parade: Tim Ritchie, President and CEO of The Tech Museum of Innovation, is grand marshal the 11th annual parade through the Rose Garden neighborhood. This year’s theme is “Technology in the Valley.” July 4, 10 a.m. Dana Avenue, University Avenue and The Alameda., 408-436-8581.