This is “Ideation,” the darkly comedic thriller by Berkeley playwright Aaron Loeb (“First Person Shooter,” “Abraham Lincoln’s Big Gay Dance Party”) now playing at City Lights Theater in San Jose. Winner of the Glickman Award for best play to premiere in the Bay Area in 2013, “Ideation” originally debuted as part of the Sandbox, San Francisco Playhouse’s second-stage series of small-scale world premieres. In 2014, it became the first and only play from that program to date to go on to a return engagement as part of the company’s main stage season, and early last year, the same production went on to play New York’s 59E59 Theaters.
CANCER (June 21-July extreme low-cut pale grey leather ballet shoes - adult sizes 22): Choose your battles wisely, Chasing after a pot of gold that is said to lie at the end of a rainbow can prove pointless, Remain polite and respectful, Someone may resent you or become jealous of your accomplishments, LEO (July 23-Aug, 22): You can pick and choose to have the best of anything, Because you are tempted by many possibilities it would be wise to be discriminating, Adopt a fresh attitude and use an objective approach where money is concerned, VIRGO (Aug, 23-Sept, 22): Don’t settle for the easy way out, It might be easy to grab only the low hanging fruit, But if you really want to reap the fruits of your labors you need to climb the ladder of success and reach for the very best..
Harmony Dance Center: The center presents its end-of-year recital, “Ephemere,” featuring modern, jazz, ballet, tap, hip-hop pieces performed by students, competition teams, performing companies and some special guests. June 1, 5 p.m. $25.90 adult/$24 students/$16.50 children. Campbell Heritage Theatre, One W. Campbell Ave., Campbell. harmony Orchard City Community Chorus: “100 Years of Music” features the best songs of the past century. May 31, 8 p.m. $15 general/$12 students and seniors. Campbell United Methodist Church, 1675 Winchester Blvd., Campbell. orchardci
For the excellent solo couples, Tippet supplies an extra treat: lifts the likes of which you are not likely to see anywhere else — straight up, in a curl, over the shoulder and every other kind imaginable, Maykel Solas, Maximo Califano, Kovitch and Moreno did the work while Junna Ige, Amy Marie Briones, Meijer and Mirai Noda soared and smiled, According to the program notes, extreme low-cut pale grey leather ballet shoes - adult sizes Stanton Welch’s “Clear” (2001), set to excerpts from Bach violin concertos, was partly influenced by that year’s 9/11 terrorist attacks, but to me that influence was not apparent, “Clear” is mostly an homage to male dancing, though Welch, apparently as an afterthought, introduced a female figure to represent Love, Danced in this program by the gorgeous, pliant Alexsandra Meijer, she weaves in and out of the proceedings and ultimately comforts the protagonist, though the “story” of clear never really came together for me..
“I’m a Brit, and I grew up in a different culture and environment. I’m not a political animal, but I felt I wanted to do something to address race and how it still divides America, when there’s such a wealth of cultural riches here. I tried not to make an overtly religious piece. Whether you share this faith or a different faith, there’s such beauty in celebrating our humanity. That’s the core of what I was trying to do, and the dancers embraced it.”. Lustig may not see himself as political, but he possesses a profound vision of dance’s essential role in building community. As part of Oakland Ballet’s April 23 performance, the company is unveiling a new partnership with Chabot College that includes extensive community engagement activities, master classes and workshops. And following up on last year’s well-received East Bay DANCES Festival, Oakland Ballet presents the second edition of the regional dance showcase Sunday afternoon at the Malonga Casquelourd Center for the Arts.