However, Apple did score first place among other smartwatch makers. Until the next version of the watch debuts, the company is likely to keep updating its watch bands to "keep the product relevant," IDC said. Garmin took home the third spot with 900,000 shipments of its fitness trackers. Samsung and China's BBK, known for its kids' smartwatches, tied for last place with shipments of 700,000 each. Overall, 3.2 million smartwatches shipped last quarter, up from 1.6 million over the same quarter last year, IDC said.
The Padcaster Verse puts an end to that by using an adjustable otterbox defender series screenless edition iphone xr case - black mount that works with any small tablet -- regardless of make, model or OS -- up to the size of an iPad Mini as well as any smartphone, This means it's basically the one video mount you'll need now or in the future for you or your friends, family, students or coworkers, The Verse mobile-media case's universal mounting bracket holds any smartphone or small tablet making it easier to stabilize, shoot and share video, The company's other models use a strong aluminum frame, but the Verse is made from a sturdy lightweight polycarbonate, It looks pretty much like a converted license plate holder, providing a grip on either side for steadying your device, Embedded in all four sides are metal 1/4-inch tripod mounts and there are three accessory shoes on top and two on the bottom, If you're using an iPad mini, there are threaded lens mounts on front to use with Padcaster lenses..
At its center is an expandable mount that adjusts by loosening a knob on front and tightening again once your device is in. It requires a bit more effort than it should though, which is something Padcaster Founder and CEO Josh Apter says they're working on for the final version. The Verse is currently on Kickstarter for $70 (about AU$95 or £50) and has more than doubled its pledge goal of $25,000. It is scheduled to ship to backers in July. Once it's available in retail it will sell for $99. The first great smartphone of 2015.
Beautiful and bold..with complications, The new no-compromise MacBook, A stellar on-ear headphone, Crave-worthy curves for a premium price, The company that pioneered the iPad case for start-to-finish video production breaks from its Apple-only designs with an option for any smartphone (or small tablet) videographer -- regardless of device, There are several iPad and iPhone cases for mobile videographers, but they all have pretty much the same problem: They only work with a specific device, For example, Padcaster made one of the first, if not the first, case for giving you a steadier grip of an iPad for handheld shooting, but also acts as a tripod mount and has lots of spots for attaching a mic or lights as well as add-on lenses, But it was only for iPads and the company had to update it whenever Apple made a new otterbox defender series screenless edition iphone xr case - black model..
The Spaces app was scheduled to launch on Android, iOS, desktop and mobile web for all Gmail accounts on Monday, but it wasn't live as of 12:30 p.m. ET. Google has not immediately returned a request for comment. Spaces aims to simplify group messaging by letting you have conversations centered on specific articles, images and videos. Google hopes to make group messaging simpler and more focused with a new app called Spaces, the company announced Monday. Articles, images and videos will be the center of group conversations, called "spaces," because of the app's built-in integration to other Google products such as Google Search, YouTube and Chrome. For example, you can invite friends to a space in which you discuss your favorite YouTube cat video or create a space to discuss an article about your least-favorite presidential candidate.