“I interviewed well, I asked questions,” she said, hesitantly. More confident in speaking about what she learned, Ponce-Matteucci said, “It’s important to give back. We were required to do volunteer hours while we were in the program. It made me feel I made a difference.”. Contributing — especially after facing the stiff job market’s inevitable rejections — fed her confidence and reminded her she wasn’t alone. “Everyone needs help at some time,” she said. “If we didn’t stop to help others, we’d be unable to advance.”.
Silicon Valley’s Got Bollywood: Perform your favorite Bollywood songs and dances, First Friday of each month, 4-5 p.m, Joan Pisani Community Center, 19655 Allendale Ave., Saratoga, Free, groups.google.com/group/SaratogaBollywood, Art Lecture Series: Saratoga Foothill Club’s series returns with a focus on “The Art and Architecture of Power,” presented by Fran Rushing, MA, Bianca Larson, an Asian Art Museum docent, will present an additional lecture on gods and goddesses, April 6, France; April 13, personalized i love ballet bracelet, expandable bangle bracelet, stainless steel bracelet, dance jewelry, ballet shoes, athletic Asian art, 7:30 p.m, Saratoga Clubhouse, 20399 Park Place, Saratoga, Lectures $25 each at the door, 408-996-8050..
It provided an important outlet for self-expression during her teens. “It meant a lot for me to be able to come home and write, even if nobody saw it. It gave me the opportunity to say what I felt. That made me feel good and it was quite therapeutic.”. Having sung in the elementary school choir, Muraoka took vocal lessons, starting in middle school. During high school, she performed in school and at open mics. “Any chance I got to sing in front of people, I jumped on it.”.
There were more 10s scattered around the ballroom than I have ever seen before, Perfect score followed perfect score as each pair raised the bar just a bit for the next couple, Charlie and Sharna performed a foxtrot that was elegant and seemed easy, Kenny Ortega shouted, “Bring out the champagne!” Bruno said Charlie “started as Astaire and finished as Baryshnikov” and Len came out with “Just right tonight, Charlie White.” Scores: 10, 10, 10, 10 = 40, For their second dance in the last half of the show, Charlie and Sharna came up with a samba that personalized i love ballet bracelet, expandable bangle bracelet, stainless steel bracelet, dance jewelry, ballet shoes, athletic wasn’t going to match those 10s, Kenny said it was “clean, committed but lacking a little funk.” And that was the opinion of the rest — not enough attitude and a bit flat-footed, But Len said clearly, “You deserve to be in the final.” Scores: 9, 9, 9, 9 = 36 + 40 for a total of 76..
Dane’s Friends Benefit Concert: The fourth annual Dane’s Friends for FIRSTconcert and silent auction benefiting the Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types features “America’s Got Talent” Season 9 finalists Sons of Serendip. Sept. 12, 6:30 p.m. Flint Center for the Performing Arts, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino. $29 and up. danesfriendsforfirst.com. Dead Man’s Cell Phone: Los Altos Stage Company presents a surrealistic comedy that confronts our assumptions about morality, redemption and the need to connect in a technologically obsessed world. Through Sept. 27. Bus Barn Theater, 97 Hillview Ave., Los Altos Hills. $18-$36. losaltosstage.org, 650-941-0551.