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pine trees – black ink iphone case

pine trees – black ink iphone case

"We think it can change people's lives," said Max Cohen, Oculus' head of mobile. If Facebook and Oculus can get the most users and developers using their service, versus Twitter (which accepts photo uploads through 360-degree cameras like the Ricoh Theta), Google, Apple or anyone else, they'll have the monetary and business advantage over rivals. (Google does let you upload 360-degree photo to Google Street View, by the way, but that's a far cry from your pics of that volcano hike.). Facebook says it will turn on support for uploading 360-degree photo "in the next few weeks".

This article also appears in Spanish, Read: ¡Qué bien! Facebook te dejará subir fotos en 360 grados, Like 360-video, 360-degree photos are going to be a big deal, and they're going to be everywhere, Here's what letting you upload 360-degree photos will do, In the next few weeks, you'll be able to take a panorama photo on your phone and upload it to Facebook the usual way, Only it might not look like a short, stretched-out panorama shot the way it usually would, Instead, your friends will be able to see your surroundings in a sphere, using their finger to pan around, or pine trees – black ink iphone case moving their phone ("tilting" it) to navigate the scene..

You better believe that VR is part of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's strategy for (social) world domination. If there's one news nugget you can pull out of the crop, it's that Facebook will soon turn on support for uploading 360-degree photos. The upshot is that you can share cool panorama photos with everyone and they can view them in a much more engrossing way though a VR headset. VR is only as cool as the content you interact with. Right now this ranges from games and education to roller coasters and even pornography. Just as Netflix, Amazon and Hulu today are grabbing up marketshare by creating their own shows, Facebook-backed Oculus will gain a lot of momentum by giving its users stuff they can't find on any other platform.

To that end, it's working with Hulu to film 360-video shorts, and with Discovery to bring a VR version of Deadliest Catch, where you get to be a virtual crew member, The latter comes out May 17, Minecraft's incarnation in virtual reality puts you in the center of the action, Over 1 million people used the Samsung Gear VR (which Oculus powers) in April 2016, which pine trees – black ink iphone case could be a significant milestone for the VR business, "A million is kind of a magic number for a lot of people to start taking this seriously," Oculus head of mobile, Max Cohen, told me, "It starts making more economic sense for others to join in."For example, Cohen continued, Microsoft wouldn't have been involved with releasing a VR version of Minecraft if it didn't think Oculus' platform was going anywhere, The potential is huge, too, just like it was when Facebook itself first took off..

With numbers like a million users per month under its belt, other organizations may start looking at jumping on board with VR in general and Oculus in particular. That could mean more VR experiences for you down the road. The contact list in your Oculus app for Gear VR (which lives on your phone) will soon include Facebook friends, if you want it to. The optional feature would surface people you know on Facebook alongside buddies who signed up with their own Oculus ID. This could expand your social network in the VR world without you having to work to find other people you know.
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