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Norco’s 26,000 residents are tucked among the vast suburbs south and east of Los Angeles. Once overwhelmingly white, the area has seen a surge in Hispanics and, more recently, Asians. Southern California’s Indian population is relatively small — accounting for only 1 percent of the population in a four county-area spanning Los Angeles and its southern and eastern suburbs — and is spread out across different cities. But census data show the community has grown in recent years, especially in Riverside County, where Norco is located. There is a Sikh temple in Norco inside a grange hall-turned-church and a Hindu temple in the neighboring county, and Indian movies are shown at a Corona theater.

The Art4Schools exhibits features Antioch Unified School District classrooms involved in the Arts4Schools Program, sponsored by the Arts & Cultural Foundation of Antioch, Union Pacific Foundation, the city of Antioch and a Calpine funded through the office of Contra Costa County Supervisor ballet slippers cabochon earrings - 16mm Federal Glover, The exhibit includes art from Fremont and Sutter schools through March 23, Encore Home Schooling art will be shown March 24 and 27, while Turner and Diablo schools will have art displayed May 15-25..

And it was the barber shop that pulled him through some of his darkest days when his wife, Marjorie, died two years ago. They were married for 66 years. Licursi had met Marjorie Joyner in 1945 at a Navy dance in Virginia. “She had reddish-auburn hair, wore a black polka-dot skirt and was just the right height for me,” he said, “I asked her if she wanted to dance and she immediately accepted.”. Licursi’s wife worked by his side at the barber shop, sweeping and chatting with customers until a fractured hip in 2013 landed her in a Los Gatos rehab center. She died 23 days later of internal bleeding caused by an unattended fall at the facility. “When my wife passed away, it hit me hard and it’s been a terrible two years,” Licursi said. “But if it wasn’t for coming back here, I doubt I’d be here today. The worst part is when you’re home alone.”.

— Jim McGrath (@jgm41) April 17, 2018, As the matriarch of one of America’s political dynasties, Bush spent a half century in the public ballet slippers cabochon earrings - 16mm eye, She was portrayed as the consummate wife and homemaker as her husband rose from Texas oilman to commander in chief, They had six children, the eldest of whom, George W, Bush, became president, Their eldest daughter, Robin, died at age 3 of leukemia, a tragedy that had a profound impact on the family, Her husband served two terms as vice president under Ronald Reagan and then one as president, from 1989 to 1993, On his watch, the Cold War ended, and the nation and its allies achieved a swift and crushing victory over Iraq in the Persian Gulf War – before a faltering economy largely doomed his reelection prospects..

Christmas Concert: A concert featuring the Campbell United Methodist Church choir. Also, organist, handbells and orchestra, plus audience sing-along. Dec. 16, 3 p.m. Reception follows. Campbell United Methodist Church, 1675 Winchester Blvd., Campbell. 408-378-3472, Christmas Eve Candlelight Services: Dec. 24. Family worship with children’s Christmas pageant, 5 p.m.; Worship with communion, 7:45 p.m.; festive worship with lessons and carols, 10:30 p.m. All services on Christmas Eve will be followed by candlelight singing in the courtyard, weather permitting. Campbell United Methodist Church, 1675 Winchester Blvd., Campbell. 408-378-3472,
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